Where Variety and Sobriety Mix…
Hi there, my name is Darren and today is a very special day for me as I make my introduction to the world through the launch of this site, where my objective is clear; To encourage and help people who want to ditch alcohol for sobriety, and to raise awareness of its effects on us as individuals and society in general, which let’s face it, has many issues.
My passion to deliver this is driven from personal experience and the issues and menial stresses that are around us every day. There are many things that we may want to improve on, not least ourselves, and this means honesty, and in most cases, reaching out for help and support.
I would love you to visit my “about” page but in summary, I have led a life of some cracking highs and some awful lows, seeing counselors and therapists and eventually leading to excesses with alcohol.
I developed a Booze Category Scale after some honest truths and a few “moments of clarity” and I have finally realised that I don’t need to search for anything better or a missing part, as there are no holes (apart from the obvious) or voids missing from my life.
Human nature will, as I have experienced, often lead us down the wrong path but it doesn’t have to be a dead-end and we can walk in many directions before positive realisation and contentment!
Whilst I believe there is an amount of luck, I also believe we can influence and have a big say on our own destiny.
However, like many things in life there is a catch, and where this hypothesis often fails is when a person has hidden parts that either they are afraid to talk about or that affects them in such a way that without the correct help they feel there is no potential, and turn to alcohol or other means to cope.
Nevertheless, as more emphasis is expressed in the media and sites like mine, I hope we can be reassured that there is help there and we are more resilient than we often give ourselves credit for.
Big BUT moment (stop it, it’s a realism kick), there is no textbook and no fixed solution so we must draw on our own life experiences (often more so the negative) and those of others, and to re-iterate, this often means reaching for help.

Finally, some foresight: Apart from a recent dabble on Instagram, I have never really “socially interacted” on face book or Pinterest and therefore this form of expression is relatively new to me.
My content will be based on but not limited to, my experiences with alcohol, sobriety, society and other related topics which may be thought-provoking, humorous or dare I say controversial.
If I can help or encourage anyone or even stimulate better understanding and positivity regarding sobriety, then I have succeeded.
The life journey we are on should not just be about survival, but about fun, laughter, humility, and enjoyment. Sometimes your life does turn to nappy rash, but we can bounce back and give a finger to the doubters, know it all’s, egotists, power-crazed bosses, gossips, killjoys and pessimists of the world and say…. “Do you know what, I know what’s best for me because I’ve lived a bit and learned from the experience and yes, it is a wild ride”!
Welcome….to My University of Everyday Life…