Useful References

Drinkaware – UK

NIH (National Institue on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism) – United States

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the US & Canada

Alcoholics Anonymous in the UK

The Social Anxiety Institute

Pozitive Minds (see below)

Darren & The Uni of everyday Life is Proud to Collaborate with Jill Cowley, Award Winning Coach and Mentor, from Pozitive Minds.

Based in the UK, using specialised coaching and therapy techniques, Pozitive Minds can support you in making those vital changes and maximise your individual potential. They compassionately deliver Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timeline Therapy, Hypnotherapy and mBIT (Multiple Brain Integration Techniques).

Having personally attended sessions with Jill, Darren highly recommends the services, helping people in a confidential, client-centered and flexible manner to change and sustain their own unique blueprint for life. All achieved through the use of comprehensive coaching, therapy and professional skills.

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