Vote For The Top Sobriety Blogs 2020
The Pinterest community has been, and still is, incredible. There are so many accounts that I follow, all giving me motivation and inspiration in one way or another. However, these are the top sobriety blogs that I think will be most helpful for you. I am also going to run a poll for this post to see which comes out as the favourite Sobriety Blog 2020. If you could vote and share with friends that would be awesome and help support these top sobriety blogs too!
Unjunkified / Sober Badassery
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/unjunkiefied/
Website: https://soberbadassery.com/
If you need some good tips and motivation for a life after addiction this is the place to be. From positive quotes to free resources, including a free recovery journal, for a happy, sober life there’s lots of handy things to help you on your sobriety journey. It’s great to see a mix of general positivity and information and genuinely helpful tips to help you overcome the tougher issues those aiming for sobriety face.
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/soberishblog/
Website: soberish.co
Soberish had to make the list of top sobriety blogs 2020 as it provides some really useful tips and information for becoming and staying sober! From engaging our mental muscles and the emotional aspects of sobriety to getting to the root of our issues and avoiding common mistakes, they really do cover it all! Advocates of journaling, you’ll find all the right tools for effective sobriety journals over on the website. You can purchase their reasonably priced journals that come with all of the tips and tricks too.
Euphoric Alcohol Free
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/euphoricalcoholfree/
Website: https://www.euphoricaf.com/
A great Pinterest account, website AND podcast to help change your relationship with alcohol. A huge inspiration for mocktails and alcohol-free drinks as well as a really enjoyable podcast that’s helped keep me and lots of others on track. There’s options for 1 on 1 coaching and a huge range of programs to help you on your journey with a positive outlook and a transformed relationship with alcohol. If you love podcasts definitely give this a listen and if you’ve never listened to one before this is a great place to start!
Courtney Anderson
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/Sobervibes/
Website: https://www.courtneyrecovered.com/
Even though it’s more aimed towards women in sobriety, I’ve actually found this account really useful myself. Great tips, action points and honest accounts from those who have been on the journey themselves. Find activities to keep you occupied and genuine reasons to start and stay on your journey. An overall incredibly positive and motivating account and website!
Ashley Pappas
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/AshliePappas/
Website: http://www.naturallyashlie.com/
A huge part of my journey has been learning about self care and what it really means to care for and respect my own mind and body. This account has taught me a lot and it’s all stuff that I’ll use for the rest of my life. From guides to general self care to meditation and understanding ourselves there’s so much information to allow you to learn to love yourself. Although not directly linked to sobriety, there’s so much to learn about creating a happy and healthy life.
Mommy Without Wine
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/mommywithoutwine/
Website: http://mommywithoutwine.com/
Mommy Without Wine talks lots about sobriety and relationships with our loved ones. Whether it’s your partner, your children or your friends – learn how to engage in these relationships and stay sober. Discover how to talk kindly to yourself and fun activities you can do by yourself or with loved ones to keep you on the right track through sobriety. For those you with children there’s a fab ‘personal & parenting’ section on the site with lots of insightful content. There’s also a couple of podcast interviews you can listen to on the website!
My Sober Travels
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/mysobertravels/
Website: https://mysobertravels.com/
So many helpful tools for living a happy, sober, FUN life. There’s everything from sober travel guides for some awesome cities across the world to how to guides for problems we all will face at some time on our journey to sobriety. For me it’s always helped to read and hear about other peoples experiences, it gives me a sense of community and togetherness. This account is great and there’s some really useful pins on issues like how to explain your sobriety to others and staying sober through hard times, something we’ll have to deal with at some stage.
The Sober Glow
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/theSoberGlow/
Website: thesoberglow.com
Both Mia’s Pinterest and website have been great for my journey, as well as her other social accounts. Mia now coaches people looking to get sober and improve their overall lifestyle. You’ll discover fun things to do, great inspirational quotes with great humour too. If you want to live a life consciously focusing on the positives and getting the best from everything, this is for you.
If you have any blogs that have helped you and you think should be included in the top sobriety blogs 2020 then drop me an email.